Outreach at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church

The outreach mission at St. Martin’s is to put the teachings of Christ into practice in our community through compassionate service to our brothers and sisters who are hungry, lonely, or in need clothing, shelter or justice.”

Malcolm Griggs, 2022


The Food Pantries:

Non-perishable food items for Better Lives RI (formally PICA) and Camp Street Ministries

The Cloak:

(for Harrington Hall and Camp Street Ministries)

Small & Medium size men’s jeans and work pants; hoodies and sweaters.


Dry food, pet toys, blankets, towels, water bowls etc. (new or used)

Thank you!

Outreach Ministries

Outreach is the umbrella term used to denote a variety of activities either conducted by St. Martin’s or strongly supported by the Parish. All outreach activities are focused on helping others. Whatever your interest and time availability, we would like to enlist your help and support. Some of our activities are listed below.

The Cloak
– Provides clothing and toiletries to the very needy.

The Thrifty Goose – Sells better quality donated clothing and household items. Proceeds support the Parish.
Please visit our FaceBook site here

Advent Project –Parishioners purchase Christmas gifts for children in DCYF care.

Epiphany Soup Kitchen –Free dinners on Saturdays to all; operated out of S. Stephen’s. City Meal Site – Free dinners on Tuesdays to all; hosted by All Saints’ Memorial and supported by St. Martin’s.

Episcopal Charities – an umbrella organization of the Diocese of Rhode Island supporting multiple charities across the State. St. Martin’s is among the top three contributing parishes to EC and last year pledged and raised $20K.

Membership of St Martin’s empowers and encourages our members to be active in the wider community. Some examples of our  support of wider community initiatives are:

St Mary’s Home for Children

Amos House

Community Preparatory School

Southside Community Land Trust

Open Doors RI

RI Philharmonic

Numerous neighborhood associations.