The Annual Stewardship Campaign or ASC is the annual process for members to renew their financial commitment to the parish for 2022. Pledging is the traditional way members estimate the amount of their financial giving. Some members prefer not to pledge, and to give their regular financial support either electronically or through the Sunday Plate. However, the Finance Committee asks members to consider pledging, which is not contractual, but enables the parish to make a realistic budget.
We encourage members to conduct a spiritual inventory in preparation for reviewing their level of financial support. This is a process of prayer and reflection on the sources of gratitude in one’s life. Christianity teaches that material wealth is not ours truly, but is entrusted to us. We have an obligation to act as wise stewards by living lives of generosity in response to gratitude for the goodness God has given to us.
The ASC runs during October and November. Members are kindly asked to return their estimate of giving cards by November 20, 2022.