Holy Week and Easter 2022

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday, April 10

8am Spoken Eucharist (in person) 10am with Adult and Children’s Choirs (in person and live streamed here

Palm Sunday recalls Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem when the crowds stripped palms from the trees to pave his way, in the fulfillment of a messianic expectation that Jesus would free Israel from earthly oppression. Our celebration includes the blessing of palms and the dramatic reading of the Passion according to Luke.

Tuesday, April 12

9am Morning Prayer with Eucharist

In person and via Zoom – click here

5:30pm Sung Evensong, Rite 1,

Evening Prayer with Music led by St. Martin’s Chapel Consort

Evensong will be in person and live streamed here

Wednesday, April 13

7am Holy Eucharist (in-person only

9am Morning Prayer, in person and Zoom – click here

The Triduum or Great Three Days 

Maundy Thursday, April 14

9am Morning Prayer, In person and via Zoom – click here

7pm, Commemoration of the Last Supper (in person and live streamed here.) with the St. Martin’s Chapel Consort.

At his final Passover Meal with his disciples, Jesus gave them the commandment “Love one another.” To demonstrate the meaning of this commandment (Latin mandatum – maundy in Middle English) he washed his disciples’ feet.

This service concludes with the ritual stripping of the altars in preparation for the starkness of Good Friday. The Gethsemane Watch bridges the liturgies of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday from 9pm until midnight, recommencing on Good Friday 5am to 9am. The Watch commemorates Jesus lonely night in the garden during which he asked his disciples, “Could you not watch one hour with me?” We undertake to watch an hour with Jesus.

Good Friday, April 15

9am Morning Prayer, in person and Zoom concludes the Gethsemane Watch.

11:30am – 1pm Independent Walking the Way of the Cross (Stations of the Cross), a self-guided audio with your personal phone and ear buds.

7pm The Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday in person and live streamed here. 

with special guest musician Cheryl Bishkoff, oboe. This is one of the ancient services dating from the 4th-century comprising beautiful vocal music. The Passion from St. John’s Gospel is sung followed by the Solemn Collects, and the Veneration of the Cross. The Liturgy concludes with the administration of the consecrated bread and wine reserved from Maundy Thursday.

Holy Saturday, April 16

7pm Outdoor Blessing of the Paschal Candle and the remembering of our family faith story of salvation around the new fire of Easter on Orchard place.

Easter Day, April 17

Solemn Celebration of the Resurrection

8am (in person) and

10am in person and live streamed here

with featuring guest instrumentalists,

Cheryl Bishkoff, oboe and

Matthew Vezey, trombone

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