Lenten Study Groups
Lent 2025 promises to be a season of unprecedented political crisis in our nation.
St. Martin’s offers a host of options for coming together in prayer, study, and worship.
Tuesday Night Lenten Supper: Faithful, Creative, Hopeful: Fifteen Theses for Christians in A Crisis-Shaped World, by the Rev. Jesse Zink, Principal of Montreal’s Ecumenical Seminary at McGill University, will form the centerpiece of our Tuesday evening discussion beginning March 11th and running for five weeks.
Suggested donation:
- $110 Standard Rate
- $150 Pay-it-Forward (to subsidize another attendee)
- Community Pay-What-You-Can
Registration includes the book and five vegetarian soup and salad suppers. Click here to register! You will be redirected to this page afterward.
Lent Book Group
How We Learn To Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith, by the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington D.C. This double book group begins Sunday, March 9th, and continues for five weeks. There are two groups meeting: Sundays in-person, 11:30-12:30, with K Casenhiser, OR Wednesdays on Zoom, 12-1, with Linda+. Readers may attend either session or both each week. Each person will need to order their own copy of Bishop Budde’s book, here are some options:
You may find that due, to a recent surge in popularity, the book is on backorder until mid-February. The book is immediately available in ebook format ($14.99) on Amazon (Audible version also available) and Apple Books. For more information or to register for either group, contact Linda+.
Unique Online Learning Opportunities
Online classes are being offered this Lent by an internationally renowned scholar and one closer to home. Not to be missed!
Rare Opportunity to Study with Crossan
Tripp Fuller and Homebrewed Christianity invite us to a transformative 5-week Lenten journey on “Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World.” This course examines the Apostle Paul as a Pharisee deeply engaged with the turbulent political and religious landscape of his time.
Through the lens of his letters and historical context, we will explore Paul’s understanding of Jesus’ Life-Vision, his interpretation of the Execution-and-Resurrection, and their implications for nonviolence and faithful resistance against empire. Each week, we will delve into a specific aspect of Paul’s theology and legacy, reflecting on its relevance for our own age of autocracy and political turmoil.
You can learn more and register by clicking here.
Study online with Joshua
Joshua Maria Garcia will now teach just ONE class during Lent. This is meant for students who have already taken Hebrew with Joshua over the summer, or who can read Hebrew but want to take next steps toward deeper understanding.
You can learn more and register by clicking here. St. Martin’s parishioners may attend the classes for FREE, using LENT25 as a coupon code. If you have any questions, please contact Joshua.
Prayer and Contemplation
Stations of the Cross
An audio recording for walking the Stations of the Cross is accessible here. This resource can be as a private meditation at home or while out walking, but during Lent, please feel free to visit the nave and walk the stations of the Cross in person.
Quiet Time in the Chapel
The Chapel will be open on Fridays during Lent (9am-3pm) for prayer, meditation, quiet reading, and rest. You are welcome to sit the entire time, or drop in for a brief moment of peace in your day. There will be tools for devotion available in the chapel, or you may bring your own. Joshua Maria Garcia will lead Morning Prayer at 9am (in-person only), and Noonday Prayer at 12pm, followed by the Stations of the Cross, with a short closing prayer at the end of Quiet Time. The Chapel will not open for Quiet Time on the 14th, but please feel free to observe at home!
Morning Prayer
Join us for Morning Prayer in the chapel or on Zoom, Tuesday-Thursday at 9AM. We use Daily Prayer , an app version of Common Worship from the Church of England. The app is downloadable from the Apple and Google Play stores. In addition to Morning Prayer at St. Martin’s, you can use the app any day for Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer (Compline). Audio is available for Morning and Evening Prayer for a contemplative listening experience.
Lenten Prayers and Meditations
Episcopal Relief and Development provides Lenten Prayers and Meditations on their website and in your email inbox, if you so choose. You can find more information here.