Minister of Music Search
At the present time, we are in the search process for a skilled and energetic Minister of Music. The position to be filled is a half time, 15-20-hour per week position for an experienced choir director and organist. This is an ideal position for a musician with other employement or time commitments and hours can be flexibly negotiated around the key requirements of a weekly rehearsal time and a principal Sunday morning Service. We are seeking someone who will build on the parish’s rich musical heritage and grow our program in exciting new ways. Knowledge and experience with the Anglican tradition of choral and church music, including the Royal School of Music programs, is highly desired. Salary range will be commensurate with experience.
The job description can be requested from Susan Esposito [email protected] Assistant to the Rector. Applications (electronic preferred) can be emailed to her or a hard copy may be mailed to her at 50 Orchard Avenue, Providence RI. 02906. Application closing date is July 20th, 2018
Our Vision
St. Martin’s is a parish where music sets the drum beat, so to speak regulating the flow of the liturgy through a lively and imaginative leading of the congregation’s singing of hymns and choir-led service settings. Alongside skilled choral direction and inspirational organ performance, we envision music as an instrument of Christian formation, outreach, and spiritual and congregational growth. We believe in the power of traditional sacred music during worship to speak to the longings of many who seek to find their spiritual path. Because that path leads amidst the challenges of contemporary life, we are also interested in new and creative directions for our music ministry program.
The Church
St. Martin’s is a beautiful Gothic Revival church built to resemble an English country church. It has arguably the finest Arts and Crafts interior in Rhode Island, and the sanctuary still retains the original high altar with a divided choir. We are located on Providence’s East Side just off Wayland Square, close to Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design.
The parish is currently experiencing a revitalization of energy with increasing levels of engagement and this continues to be an exciting time for music at St. Martin’s.
The Choirs
The Adult choir comprises four paid section leaders and volunteers. Currently, the Adult choir numbers 21 persons with weekly rehearsals. The parish welcomes a growing number of parents with young children. We hope this will materialize in the development of children’s music. Our children’s program follows the Royal School of Church Music Voice for Life curriculum.
The Organ
We have a Reuter pipe organ, installed in 1956 with three manuals and pedals, electronic key action, with Peterson electronic stop action. It has one division (the Swell) underexpression with 47 ranks of pipes. Barry Turley of Fall River, MA, routinely maintains and services the organ.