The Vestry is responsible for the business affairs of the parish and represents the congregation in every area of decision-making. Vestry members are elected at the Annual Parish Meeting.
From left to right.
Front Row. Beth Toolan, Brian Roberts – Jr. Warden, Rev. Mark Sutherland, Sheila Hoogeboom – Sr. Warden, Sammi Tulungen.
Back Row. David Barrall, Tony Cottone, David Whitman – Treasurer, Claire Kokoska, Rich Gruber.
Not shown. Donna Huntley, Patrick Hawkins, Susan Kostas.
Senior Warden: Sheila Hoogeboom
Junior Warden: Brian Robert
Treasurer: David Whitman
Clerk: Anthony Cottone
Class of 2025
David Barrall
Claire Kokoska
Beth Toolan
Class of 2026
Susan Kostas
Patrick Hawkins
Sammi Tulungen
Class of 2027
Donna Huntley
Richard Gruber
Anthony Cottone
Diocesan Convention Delegates:
Steve McAleer
Mary Jane Pagan